'Rule 34' that I pre-ordered last month is now downloading to my Kindle. Woot! :D
Apparently I am in some sort of queue/program and might get a Nokia N950 at some point.
Yay, I also got on Google+ now! Now I need to convince my Nexus S that despite being in an inferior country, it can also have some Plus fun
Tikko atklāju 'Pin as App tab' opciju ieks Firefox
- "When in doubt - duck!" (actually makes sense in the context of explosions)
- huh? What kind of MeeGo support?
Labrīt :O
Kāpēc @
mājas lapā ir aizkomentēti linki lai klausītos radio bez viņu Flash plejera? Piemēram
Beidzot Google+ parādījās reāla atsevišķa 'send invites' opcija.
10m hdmi kabelis nopirkts, uzvalki nodoti tīrīšanā, kondicionieris strādā, dailies WoWā pabeigti - atpūta var sākties, ar labu nakti :)
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