Checked both Debconf13/Latvia venues today, all my outstanding issues were adresed, but differently.
LU has all sorted out and ready to go. RTU has major construction going that whoul also fix all our issues by next year.
LU is definately the best choice now, but RTU might be great in two years, will have to keep it around as a backup plan.
Will think some more about on the flight to Tampere and then update the Debconf13 Latvia wiki page accordingly.
Now, has anyone been to Cēsu castle or Bikermuižas (?) brewery recently? Pondering that route for a daytrip.
This weeks Doctor Who was weak, so much so that it was the episode that kids wrote in a competition, until I saw the Confidential episode.
"I thought it was ... (written by kids)" re last tweet, damn my word skipping brain.
Teorētiski varētu būt soliņš ar NFC un 4sq - kā apsēdies tā uzreiz iečekojies, cit sociālā funkcija prātā nenāk.
Manas ieprēkšējās Sennheiser austiņas nokalpoja godam 5 gadus, bet tagad āda ir noberzusies un ir neērti - nopirku jaunas. HD 598 :D
Tagad pēc tā kā ieraudzīju Bohemian Rhapsody iekš trending topikiem, jaunās austiņas lieti noderēja klausoties
Beižak avio katastrofās izdzīvo stuartes, kas sēž ar muguru lidmašīnas kustības virzienā - tā var izturēt lielākas pārslodzes.
Redz, vēl viens atgādinājums, ka AirBaltic ir jāinvest, lai nomaina vecos Fokker 50 un nesanāk kā dažiem citem. Žēl gan ka tā.
Finished Game of Thrones book 5. It looks there will be at least 7-8 books in this series :P And the situation is darker by the book.
Hmm, BalticMiles kontā sakrāti gandrīz 60k punktu, bet nav nekā prātīga ko par viņiem nopirkt. #
Ja cilvēki grib gīkiskos Internetu un failus, tad lai mācās arī tos pārsūtīt ar ubergīkisko Skype vai Dropbox.
OMG, there is no simple way to render a HTML5 page from a remote server onto my computing device display, all those browsers, so confusing!
Ja kas, tā bija atbilde uz
. Kopsummā - stupid people do stupid things, because they don't know better despite advice
XKCD trollo ne pa jokam. Ir desmitiem lielisku veidu kā pārsūtīt failus. Ja cilveks nevar izvēlēties vienu, ir vienkārši trulums. Skype?
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