Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21

  • Heh, vēl joprojām kakls pilns un galva īpaši labi nestrādā. :( #

  • Mani visvairāk pārsteidz jaunais Mac Mini Server - uzņēmumiem līdz kādiem 50 cilvekiem ideāls intranet serverītis. #

  • Tas Nokia X5-01 acīmredzami ir domāts twitterotājiem un čatotājiem (galvenokārt čatotājām) @Helmuts #

  • RT @dzerualu Dzerualu blogā: Beer Guide to Latvia 2.0 gatavs: - Epic guide! #

  • Pērkot iPhone 4 no LMT divos gados samaksāšu 611 Ls par iStyle, no UK unlocked - 673 Ls. Pagaidīšu septembri. #

  • LMT dotē iPhone par ~300 Ls un divu gadu laikā dabū aptuveni 240 Ls atpakaļ. Līdz ar to man kā pircējam *ir* izdevīgi ņemt no LMT. #

  • Law of physics might prevent us travelling back in time, but photons can travell forward, so we can still see past events. #

  • Tātad iPhone 4 no LMT 2 gados izmaksā 611 Ls, unlocked iPhone 2 gados izmaksā 738 Ls. Pagaidīšu LMT piedāvājumu septembrī! #

  • LMT cenā ir sākotnējā cena (pieņemot identisku cenu kā 3GS) + 24 mēneši iStyle 1 #

  • unlocked cena ir GBP 499 (phone) + 15 (unlock) + 60 (2 gadu garantija) + 24 meneši "Mūsējie" + Internet 5 (10Ls/mēn) #

  • Man ir divi jautājumi par Office 2010 #twikniks - vai ver vaļā EU standarta ODF v1.2 doķus un vai strādā uz Linux? :D #

  • Pāris dienas atpakaļ samaksāju par - tagad slimoju ar labu mūziku fonā :D #

  • Man ir aizdomas, ka mans iPhone sāka krešot pēc tam, kad ieliku lēto ķīniešu batareju. Nomainīju atpakaļ, redzēs kā būs. #

  • Noņēmu email push un uzliku pull intervālu uz 1 stundu - ēd kudiš mazāk batarejas gaidīšanas režīmā. #

  • heh, atkal iPhone nomira. Šoreiz ar oriģinālo batareju iekšā. Būs tomēr jānes uz servisu. Pēc Jāņiem laikam tomēr. #

  • iTunes nepārbauda backup un restore pabeigtību - līdz ar to es nevaru zināt vai šodien veiktais backup ir pilnīgi pabeigts vai nē :P #

  • Tikko pabeidzu atjaunot latviešu tulkojumu Debian instalātoram, pārsimts rindiņas bija pamainījušās. Mēs vēl esam dzīvi! #

  • Un tagad Debian tulkojumos ir arī tie labojumi, ko labie cilvēki Ubuntu Launchpad bija sarakstījuši. Ar rokām nācās salabot katru rindiņu ;( #

  • Lielisks Doctor Who šonedēļ :D #

  • Zin, uz analogā radio grūti pateikt vai es klausos @radio101lv vai nē, jo nekur nevar redzēt kas tur tagad skan un džinglu nav nekur tagad. #

  • Es šeit nevaru @radio101lv noķert - starp 99.5 un 101.8 FM tikai troksnis un vinā vietā ļoti vāji 'kaut kas' skan #

  • No kurienes vispār @radio101lv translē? Vai rīt būs stiprāks signāls nekā tagad? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14

  • Nogaršoju Madara drinks - smarža ne pārāk, bet garša nav pārak slikta. Pats gan tādu nepirkšu - man minerālūdenis vairāk slāpes remdē. #

  • Sakēru kaut kādu vīrusu - kā vakar aizmigu ar temperatūru, tā tikai tagad pamodos. #

  • Three days into my cold now - still sweating like a pig, still sleeping most of the day and running a constant 37.1 fever. Weird. #

  • Visiem skatīties - pirmās palīdzības instrukcija: #

  • Zibeņo. Slikti, ka tik reti :( #

  • Kremlinu kustības Ķīpsalā: Man ar radās līdzīgas domas. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-07

  • If anyone boards my ship in international waters, I have a right to defend it, even with lethal force. #Gaza #Flotilla #

  • "So, I peacefully entered this family's bedroom at 2 am and they attacked me! I was forced to shoot them all" #flotilla #gaza #

  • Israel sure has effective cyberarmy - all those tweets to pages where you need to know Ivrit to solve a CAPTCHA #Gaza #flotilla #

  • How convenient that ALL pages linked to Twitter that defend Israel, have comments disabled. #flotilla #Gaza #

  • Israel special forces cyberarmy is fooding #flotilla hashtag with read-only propaganda links. Fight back. RT the truth. #

  • - Izraela pārtver humanitāro palīdzību Gazai, 10 mirušie uz kuģa. @pecisk #

  • Tatad vēl vien reiz: ko būtu jāizdara jaunam, mazam hosting/VPS provaiderim šeit, Latvijā, lai dabūtu tevi kā klientu? #

  • Atkal mans iPhone nomira un pieprasa pieslēgt viņu pie iTunes pēc restarta. Un protams tas ir tad, kad vairs nav garantijas. #fail #

  • Es, protams gribētu nopirkt N900, bet pašlaik krāju naudu dzīvoklim :( @thearmi #

  • In other #flotilla news: Somali pirates have declared blockade of Suez canal and will be boarding all ships traveling there legally now. #

  • BlazingTools Smart Type Assistant 1.6 par 19.95$ Es esmu pārliecināts, ka šī softa autors ir fenomenāli profesionāls programmeris @normis #

  • Tas pats iPhone ir uz free software bāzes uzbūvēts. Free software izveido bāzi tālākai innovācijai, lai nav jāizgudro velosipēds. #

  • Ja tu ieguldītu 10% sava laika esoša OS softa uzlabošanā, tad drīz vien būtu softs, kas tev būtu lietojams un drīz pēc tam labāks par komerc #

  • Īstermiņā komercosfts var būt labs un patīkams, bet ilgtermiņā open source vienmēr ir efektīvaks. #

  • Tas ir tas pats kā diktatūra vs. demokrātija - īstermiņā diktatūra ir forša, bet ilgtermiņā tā ierobežo attīstību. #

  • Tikko nobraucu ar jauno zemās grīdas tramvaju! Jāuzraksta blogā atsauksmes. #

  • Un jā @normis ja tu gribi runāt par software usability-iTunes sucks ass! Otro reizi restore iPhone. Pēdejie 5% jau pusstundu sola 2 minutes! #

  • Iepriekšējo reizi iTunes tika līdz 50%, nokrešoja datoru un tad pateica, ka viss ir kruta, lai arī telefonā bija tikai puse datu. #

  • iTunes pat pamanījās automātiski uztaisīt backup no pusatjaunota telefona. Pilnīgi nelietojams komerciālais sviests. #

  • Noskatījos no BitTorrentiem novilkto #Eirovizija BBC ierakstu 720p - lieliska kvalitāte, komentētājs daudz rupjāks par @streips2010 #

  • Bet #Eirovizija BBC ierakstā ir daudz jautrāka - vairāk humora un arī var izlaist garlaicīgos gabalus. Go torrent! #

  • Padomijā bija tāda tradīcija - gulēt visiem uz dīvāniem. Tā ir muļķīga tradīcija - gulēt vajag gultās, lielās gultās. #

  • Tiko piezvanīja no LTV uzaicināja uz Aktuālo Ceturdienu. Ir jau kāds hashtags priekš tā raidījuma? #

  • Kādi mums ir viedokļi par komentāru kultūru Internetā Latvijā? #4diena #

  • Heh, atkal iPhone uzkārās un restartējoties pieprasīja pieslēgt viņu iTunes. Vāks! Un tieši pirms LTV1 diskusijas. #

  • Žēl, ka man nebija īpaši daudz laika izteikt savu viedokli - 'upuri' daudz spamoja @ltvceturtdiena #4diena #

  • Šodien izbaudīju RS kontroles dusmas - biļete nepiereģistrējās - uzraksts uz automāta parādījās, bet nepiereģistrēja. Samaksāju sodu. #fail #

  • Tagad arī Internetā ir video no diskusijas par Interneta diskusijām #4diena @ltvceturtdiena #

  • Sakonfigurēju - redzēs, kas tur tālāk būs. #

  • Grāmatas ir labākas smadzenēm par filmām, jo lasot grāmatu smadzenes gan patērē (tekstu), gan rada (vizualizāciju). #

  • Un vēl par grāmatām - ReadThemAll spotlight: Strādā arī Wine. #

  • Please ener your pincode = Lūdzu ievadiet savu rozā kodu! #

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Jaunais zemās grīdas tramvajs - pirmie iespaidi

Šodien pirmo reizi izdevās izbraukt ar jauno Rīgas Satiksmes sarūpēto zemās grīdas tramvaju. Jau iepriekš redzēju to visinoties pa ielām testa braucienos un katru reizi pārsteidza cik tas ir kluss, pat uz nelīdzenām sliedēm. Tagad, kad pabīju tā iekšienē varu droši teikt - iekšā ir vēl klusāk. Motora skaņas var dzirdēt tikai pie straujas ātruma uzņemšanas vai straujas bremzēšanas, bet citu laiku ir praktiski klusu. Turklāt pateicoties tam, ka logi ir ciet un strādā kondicionieri, nevar dzirdēt arī automašīnas, kas brauc garām.
Nezinu vai kondicioniera jaudas pietiks karstākajās Latvijas vasaras dienās, bet šodien bija tīri pietiekoši - gaiss nebija sasmacis.
Vietas tramvajā bija daudz - parastais tramvajs nevarētu pārvest tik daudz cilvēku, kas šajā tramvajā vienkārši sēdēja. Arī stāvot nav nekādas vainas - ir kur pieturēties visu augumu cilvekiem.
Lai arī tramvajam ir durvju atvēršanas pogas, tās tiek vienalga atvērtas katrā pieturā. Es domāju ziemā tas mainīsies un mēs redzesim to pašu skatu kā rietumeiropā - tramvajs apstājas, uz durvju pogam iedegas lampiņas - ja gribi iekāp vai izkāpt, nospied durvju pogu un durvis uzreiz atvērsies.
Visvairāk gan mani pārsteidza informatīvie tablo - tādi ir vairāki visā tramvaja garumā. Tablo sastam no 3 ekrāniem. uz viena būs reklāmas, uz otra ir laiks, maršruts un nākamo pieturu saraksts, bet uz trešā tablo ir dzīva karte (izskatās pēc Google Maps), kurā parāda tieši kur pašlaik tramvajs atrodās.
Karte ir mazliet izplūdusi (nav pareizais izmērs pikseļos), bet izlasīt ielu nosaukumus var. Šo ekrānu varētu papildināt uzzīmējot tur visu šī tramvaja maršrutu, kā arī atzīmejot to, kur tas krustojas ar citu transportu maršrutiem.
Tramvajā ir arī visādas citas ekstras - drošības kameras, kāju sensori durvīs, ...
Izskatās, ka par daudz ko ir rūpīgi padomāts - piemēram, kad tramvajs apstājas, tad durvis daļēji aizsedz sānu paneļus, kas rāda tramvaja numuru, bet lai tas nenotiktu tad, kad durvis ir vaļā tablo pārslēdas un tā vietā lai rādītu ' 6 Stacijas laukums ' (no kura varētu redzet tikai 'ijas la') tablo rāda lielu ciparu '6' pašā tablo vidū, kur to atvērtās durvis neaizsedz.

Kopumā jaunie tramvaji izskatās fantastiski labi - es daudz kur pasaulē esmu ar tramvajiem braucis un šie izskatās kā vieni no labākajiem pasaulē uz šo brīdi, kas ir ļoti labi ņemot vērā, ka mēs gribam lai vini kalpotu mums kādus 10+ gadus.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-31

  • Pirms gada bija ASV dollāra vājuma posms, tagad EUR vājuma posms. Bet tās ir labākajā gadījumā 10-15% svārstības, nevis 'krahs!' #

  • My iPhone 3G crashed hard tonight for some reason. Having to restore a phone in the morning is no fun. #

  • And then, naturally, my Windows VM crashes towards the end of the restore and I have to start again. #

  • Oh, must not forget to bring my towel to work today! #

  • And I forgot my towel ... #

  • Pats jautrākais ir tas, ka EUR/USD kursa kritums ir tā pati devalvācija, kuru tik daudzi gribēja, bet bez problēmām kredītņēmējiem. #

  • Poļi pateca - pofig, par mums vienalga nobalsos #Eirovizija #

  • Beļģis mīļš, bet kaut kā pietrūkst - neaizrauj. #Eirovizija #

  • Ok Albānija rullē. Ļoti atgādina 'Raining men' pēc enerģijas #Eirovizija #

  • Par vecu Grieķis lai pārspētu Albāniešus enerģiskumā uz skatuves #Eirovizija #

  • Portugālietei laba balss, bet bez English mani neaizrauj - vai viņa par sunīšu slīcināšanu vai par mieru dzied, hz. #Eirovizija #

  • Nobalsoju par Islandi un Albāniju. Nenoturējos. #Eirovizija #

  • Lol, tiešraidē sajauca Dienvidamariku (kontinents) ar Dienvidāfriku (valsts) #Eirovizija #

  • Kādas 3 no 10 izvēlētajām dziesmām manuprāt bija vājākas par Aišu, bet nu par pirmo vietu viņa necīnītos noteikti #Eirovizija #

  • ♺ @A_Loskutovs: Stilīgi! #

  • .@Lattelecom: un es brīnījos, kas tas par jaunu test kanālu parādījās pirms pāris dienām VTV, izskatās, ka 3D kanals tas bija. Progresīvi. in reply to Lattelecom #

  • WoW, es tikko dabūju full refund par eBayā nopirkto Flip kameru, kas bija bojāta. Pirmo reizi tāda lieta. Super! #

  • Visiem velo īpašniekiem: uzmanieties, pārkost ķēdi/trosi ir sekunžu darbs. U veida cietās atslēgas ir drošākas - līdz pusstundai jāzāģē. #

  • Dabūju jaunu pasi - tikai 5 minūtes aizņēma. Kad to formēju bija 1.5 stundas jāgaida. Dabūju arī ASV Visa Waiver. :) NY, here I come! #

  • Nu ko - Mērdoka un Buša neo-con ir tagad arī Latvijā - @domkalve izskatās praktiski identiski ASV neo-con astroturf thinktankiem #

  • Jautājums: Kas jādara jaunam, mazam Web/VPC hostingam Latvijā, lai dabūtu tevi kā klientu? #

  • Hmm, varbūt prasīt cilvekiem padomus par hostingu pusvienpadsmitos piektdienas vakarā nav tā spožakā doma? #

  • Roomba ir spēks - pēc tā, ka es viņu iztīriju viņa šodien izvazāja visādas kastītes, kas bija uz grīdas, pa visu dzīvokli. Powaaa! #

  • Gandrīz palaidu garām #Eirovizija tak jau iet! #

  • Kāds vēl nav izdomājis uztaisīt #eirovizija dziemu ar surdotulkojumu kā priekšnesuma daļu? #

  • Izskatījās, ka īrietei kleta sāka degt #Eirovizija #

  • Galvenais grieķis vēl nogurušāks un uztracies nekā pusfinālā #Eirovizija #

  • Britiem kautāds murgs - meldiņš mainās katras 5-10 sekundes. Choose a song! #Eirovizija #

  • They should be named hentai :) Not gay enogh for a j-rock immitation #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • Now Albania I like - a quality pop piece. Reminds me of 'Raining Men'. #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • This other Bjork is also really cool. A Boyle moment for sure. #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • Now that's a voice to kill for. Romania sounds great! #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • Russia - 'A' for effort and English, 'F' for fail. #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • And another song pieced together from multiple songs and jumping between melodies. Armenia #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • #Eirovizija #eurovision Lena - sexy German chick next door, digging it. Music could have used her unique voice better. #

  • Wow @streips2010 šodien tiešām ir starā #Eirovizija 'Arī šis Izraelas pārstāvis uzsāka dzīvi kā vīrietis … un joprojā tāds ir' #

  • My choice - Albania, Germany, Iceland #Eirovizija #eurovision #

  • Man varbūt vienkārši ir laba oma, bet man liekas ir kādas 10 dziemas no #Eirovizija kuras gribētos kādreiz dzirdēt atkal. Daudz šogad. #

  • Are we going to have a hung #eurovision ? #

  • Es ceru, ka mēs iedosim Baltkrieviem un Īriem pietiekoši puntu lai UK ir pēdējie. #Eirovizija #

  • Šogad dominē mierīgās un vienkāršās dziesmas ar lieliskiem izpildījumiem #Eirovizija #

  • Wooooot UK is last as deserved! #eurovision #Eirovizija #

  • Mīļa meitene no Vācijas #LENA #Eirovizija #eurovision tik apmulsusi. Tik real. #

  • #Eirovizija beigās viņa teica: 'es nezinu, kur man tagad jāiet, es te labprāt pagulētu mazliet' - ROFL! #

  • Un vēl aizmirsa angļu valodu no uztraukuma - tas bija vienkārši fantastiski mīļi #Eirovizija #LENA #

  • #Eirovizija - pašās beigās viņa teica 'nezinu, ko tagad darīt tāpēc es vēl mazliet te pamuldēšu' #

  • So, is #LENA on Twitter? #Eurovision #

  • #eurovision summary: Cute #LENA wins for Germany, horrible UK is last and crowd boos anyone giving Russia undeserved points. And Spain*2 #

  • Labi gabali bij Vācija, Turcija, Beļģija, Rumānija, Dānija un Azeirbadžāna @arturs @Archijs Aisha 37. no 39. UK bija sliktāks, manuprāt #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-24

  • Es burtiski nesen taisīju algoritmus, kas apstrādāja 60k+ objektu sekundē (no teksta failiem, CSV) ar ļoti lielu paralēlismu #

  • LTVRC vēl nav piekritis retranslēt TV3. Visitcamāk iedos TV3 četras reizes lielāku ceņņiku (jo ar to jāsedz visas izmaksas) un TV3 atteiks #

  • Skatos #hokejs un instinktīvi nospežu blakus esošās klaviatūras Space lai nopauzētu action :) #

  • Aizķērās aiz līnijas un nokrita … #hokejs #

  • Legalizēt zāli, aplikt ar 150% nodokli, kontrolēt kvalitāti un būs beigas krīzei. Tūrisms, nodokļu ieņēmumi, mazāk naudas bandītiem. #

  • - sasodīti interesanta lasāmviela #

  • Tūlit uzzināsim kas ir Microsoft Azure, mums te baigi prezentēs. #

  • Microsoft Azure - a cheap parody with 1/3rd of the features of Amazon EC2 for almost the same price. Will give more details in blog. #

  • Correction: Azure is a crappy knock-off with 1/4th the features and the exact same price as competition, even more expensive in some cases #

  • Zin, man nav nekas pretī, ja @lindamurniece kādu nobloķe, kamēr to nedara @IeM_gov_lv #knl #

  • Ko tādu @armn pateica par Rugāti? Lūdzu atkārtot twitterī! #

  • The Intelligence² Debate - Stephen Fry (Unedited) on @dailymotion #

  • Kas tā par modi Twiterī latviešu karodziņu stūros likt? Acis griež, drīz būs kā,2933,299439,00.html #

  • #lesserbooks De-Accelerando by Charles Stross also author of Copperish Sunrise and Trade of Duchesses #

  • Ja tu nesvīsti, tas nozīmē, ka tavam organismam pietrūkst ūdens - šadā karstumā jādzer 3-4 litri tīra ūdens dienā. #

  • Ubuntu 10.04 jālieto ar ieslēgtiem efektiem, tad vairāki sīki ģļuki pazūd. Bez efektiem ir legacy mode. #

  • Roomba rullē. Šodien izjaucu, noņēmu visas dzeltenās detaļas, iztīrīju, saliku - kā jauna atkal strādā. #

  • Ar 1000 Ls neko prātīgu 18 gadīgs jaunietis izdarīt nevar - tikai notrieks, bet ja to naudu iedotu LU vai RTU tad būtu jēga. #

  • Vācija nopietni tramda Krieviju - labs #hokejs ! 1-1 pamatlaikā? #

  • Žēl gan - krievi tomēr iemeta vāciešiem divas minūtes līdz beigām #hokejs #

  • Superīgs #hokejs - abi pusfināli nenoteikti līdz pēdējām sekundēm. Jāskatās fināls. #

  • Fun stuff: using Python to generate random numbers to decide which episode of Buffy to watch to beat boredom :D #

  • 6x22 - Seeing Red. oh oh. Tara. /cry #

  • - interesanta doma par to kā iemācīt autortiesību sistēmu bērniem #

  • - superīgs prototips suņa tipa pārvietošanās robots #

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So, what is Microsoft Azure and how it compares to Amazon's AWS

We had a Microsoft salesperson stop at our offices today to tell people about wonders of cloud computing and Microsoft's Azure will save us all.

The following is a short and non-exhaustive list of what Azure does not do according to their own experts:

  • no Infrastructure as a Service - which means that they actually don't offer you servers to run you code on, they only offer Windows Server instances to which you can deploy your code. There is no imaging and no platform choice. In a half a year or so they plan to roll out Virtual Machine Instances where you will actually be able to upload your own images of what you want to run and then running Linux on Azure will be possible, but that will run with a double virtualization, so it is likely to be incredibly slow

  • No fast key-value storage - they only provide SQL servers, with blob storage if you want, but nothing in the NoSQL scalability department

  • their Windows Azure (limited version of Windows Server OS that they actually run in their cloud) does not run most of their current server solutions - they are working to migrate them one by one

  • SQL service has no backup (but raw data storage has data triplication)

  • No autoscalability as such (but they do provide a tool that you can install on your cloud servers to launch additional instances when load rises, or kill instances - reliability and configurability is unclear)

  • No VPN (they are working on it, might be delivered in 12 months, meanwhile they suggest to use a Service Bus - their equivalent of Amazon SQS to communicate to you cloud servers, and pay a subscription fee + per-request fee + bandwidth fee)

  • No way to launch a server with more than 14 Gb of RAM - both Amazon High CPU and High RAM server offerings were alien to the presenter

  • Their SQL server offering is a monthly subscription - no pay-as-you-go there

  • No reserved instances, but Microsoft is willing to talk about volume discounts, but later, at some point in a year or two when they start actually providing service contracts

  • Their bandwidth fees for Asia are three times higher than in other regions for some reason

  • If you think of any interesting feature, like CloudFront, CloudWatch, MapReduce, FWS, load balancing, notification service, ... Microsoft Azure does not have that.

The Microsoft presenter also repeatedly engaged in shady tactics when presenting his information:

  • he implied that you need to pay for Windows licences on Amazon

  • he claimed that starting up an instance on Amazon with any custom configuration (like from your own image) would take a lot of time

  • he claimed the invention of container data centres

  • he claimed that Microsoft is the only provider that you can trust to store your data in the location that they advertise - when confronted that Amazon has a EU datacenter and provides you a clear way to get your data there, he actually claimed that Amazon might leak your data to other datacenters - 'How can you know they will not?'

  • He impled multiple times during the presentation that no other cloud providers can be trusted to keep data within EU - he even tried to say that Amazon only opened their first EU datacenter last month and was very surprised and annoyed when corrected (they opened an Asian datacenter and had a EU datacenter for a long time)

  • Tried to pass off the fact that you can only run Windows provides a 'good choice for the customers'

  • Talked about planned features like they were implemented and available already - like MS Systems Centre online which he spend 5 minutes talking about how it will enable to migrate services from your private cloud in-house to the Azure cloud and then barely mentioned that it might mature to a beta status at the end of 2010

  • Tried to pass off Amazon as 'too low level and complicated' while contrasting it to 'niche' and Google App Engine and then presenting their solution that will 'run all kinds of .Net and Silverlight applications'! Yeah, apparently their platform does not even run regular Windows .exe files

  • Tried pass off their SLAs (non-contractual guarantees of service levels, which are unlikely to be enforceable beyond 'money back guarantee') as key selling point, even though they don't even offer actual service contracts Update: Also claimed that Amazon does not provide SLAs, while the actually do

  • With fanfare claimed 14k applications running in their cloud, when pressed noted that most of these application don't even pay them, because they got in on special promotions.

So to summarize, Microsoft has build a cloud of Windows-like machines which can run your programs (as long as they are in .Net or Silverlight) and which does not have even a third of the features of such de-facto market leader as Amazon AWS. They try giving away their product for free and only get 14k applications in 6+ months.

Note: Amazon has at least 300 000 public applications and God only knows how many more private ones.

They will grow, due to companies locked-into Microsoft's way of thinking buying into their marketing, but if you have a head on your shoulders, you should avoid it as a trap, which it actually is. All that can be done on Azure, can also be done on Amazon. The opposite is not always true. In addition, if you will want have a mixed environment with both Windows and Linux servers, you will not be able to deploy Linux servers to Azure (or they will be very slow) and you'll have to put your Linux servers into Amazon (or another) cloud and pay double traffic fees for every byte of traffic between your own servers.

Microsoft Azure prices are exactly the same as Amazon EC2 prices with Windows instances. However on Amazon you actually get fully capable Windows Server instances. And if you don't need Windows, you can get a much better price on Amazon.

The only companies that can safely use Azure are companies that only have Windows servers AND plan to only have Windows servers for the foreseeable future. Knowing how dominant Linux is in the server market and how many 'Windows-only' shops actually have a few Linux servers in the back room, there is very little future for Azure, until they wise up and make Linux instances first class citizens in their cloud. If not because their customers need them, then because their customers think that they at least might need them in the future.

Update: Amazon now released a Reduced Redundancy storage for S3 that provides the exacts same level of storage guarantees that regular Microsoft Azure SLA (99.9%) for two thirds of the price, and also Amazons now explicitly says that their regular S3 is 'Designed for 99.999999999% Durability', which is worlds above what Microsoft provides. Now in this case Amazon again is cheaper than MS. Also Amazon bandwidth prices are 33% lower compared to Azure. In Azia the difference is simply staggering (0.45$ vs 0.19$ per Gb).

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-17

  • Tāds #hokejs mums IR vajadzīgs! #

  • Kāpēc mūsēji stāv vārtu priekšā 'ne metiena pozīcijā'? #hokejs #

  • For Latvian journalists - learn to use TrueCrypt with #

  • Make a 20G TrueCrypt partition with dummy data and then make hidden partitions there for each case. #

  • - ne viens ne otrs pants Neo izdarītajam neatbilst :D #

  • 244.pantā nav sistēmas ietekmēšanas un smago seku, 145. pants attiecas tikai uz VID darbiniekiem un amatperonām. #freeneo #

  • Šīs nedēļas #FollowFriday atnāk agri - visiem, visiem Latvijā dzīvojošajiem: sekojam @A_Loskutovs :) (Please RT) #

  • VIDā bija aizslēgtas druvis, bet nebija sienu. Tāpēc Neo jau no ielas redzēja cik amatpersonām liels ... un apsprieda to publiski #

  • "wget{0..7000000}" - bīstamā @ilmarmors (aka #neo programma, ar ko uzlauza VID. Please RT. #

  • Super teksti @ltvpanorama - deputāti aizstāv Neo, svētdien jāskatās De Fakto. :) #

  • Masaļskis un viņa burvja nūjiņa #hokejs #

  • Dienā tiešām strādā bremzes? @Zembergs profilā nav ne fotogrāfijas, nedz arī atsauces, ka viņš ir no Dienas. Pagājšgad jau aizrādīju. #

  • Nezināju, ka Valdim ir videoblogs, tas patiesībā ir stilīgi. #

  • Šeit migla ar redzamību ap 150 metriem. #

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Hacker 'Neo' caught in Latvia

A scandal has been brewing in Latvia over the last half year and yesterday the activity spiked shocking the media and some IT people in the country. I'll go back and explain what happened first, what is happening now and why this could have a heavy impact on IT and journalists in Latvia.

At the end of last year, there were rumours that the IT system of Latvia's Internal Revenue System was 'hacked' and millions of documents had been downloaded by multiple organizations. Shortly thereafter more details on the glaring security hole became public (after it was closed).

There is a full electronic interface to give all reports to the IRS electronically (at and as part of that system you could also view and export monthly report summaries about your organization into XML and PDF files. After the system checked that you are authorized to access the report, you were redirected to the URL to actually download the report by report ID (as a single param in a GET request). Unfortunately, report IDs were predicable and the script that gave the reports for download did not check if you were authorized to get that report. It did not even check if were logged into the system.

There were suspicions that the authorization was disabled on purpose to allow to leak data on purpose, but apparently it was an error of forgetting to disable debug code in production environment.

The error was discovered only because the firewall administrator noticed an unexplained stable increase of traffic, especially during night hours when typically the traffic fully stopped. Apparently a single hacker (who later identified himself as 'Neo' to the press) discovered the flaw and wrote a script to just try all possible report ids and get as much data out as possible. This had been going on for months, before someone noticed.

After the flaw was discovered and a bit of time passed, Neo made his first move - he published the list of top salaries in a governmental company, that clearly showed that the top leadership of this company failed to cut their salary by 40%, like everyone elses during harsh budget cuts of 2009. He stripped the names and ids of the specific employees, but named the company which made it pretty easy to figure out who was who.

The society was outraged that the top managers in a government owned company failed to comply with the strict pay cut that everyone else in government had to endure. But after a few weeks the outrage subsided and no action followed from the government or law enforcement.

Neo continued to release documents detailing salaries of top managers in different Latvian government companies. And each time after short outrage, nothing happened. Neo gave an interview where he said that he was disappointed in the passivity of the Latvian people in face of such blatant injustices.

After a few month Neo went silent, promising to return before parliamentary elections this fall.

However, this week a new development shocked everyone - in the middle of the night two police SWAT teams went into action: one detained Ilmārs Poikāns, a researcher in artificial intelligence at the University of Latvia's Computer Science department and another raided the home of a Latvian TV journalist Ilze Nagle who interviewed Neo. Poikāns confessed of being Neo the next day and was released (with travel restrictions, pending trial) today.

Politicians reacted immediately - opposition demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister over 'such blatant disregard of freedom of press' and another politician (who is also a famous lawyer) Aleksejs Loskutovs volunteered to defend Neo pro-bono (on Twitter, no less). Almost all Latvian online media have the arrest of Neo and the raid on the home of a journalist as main stories of the day.

As a legal titbit, we also know that Neo is being charged with breaking statutes 145 and and 244p2 of the criminal law. Statute 145 is hard to find applicable in this situation as talks about actions done by 'people authorized (..) to access [private] information'. Statute 244p2 will also be hard to pin down as it mentions 'influencing system resources of (an IT system)' and 'if such action caused severe harm'. It looks like the first part talks about at least a DoS attack (which did not happen in this case) and also there was no measurable harm from these leaks.

Also Neo was careful to strip all personally identifying information (such as names, social security numbers and addresses of the employees in question), so it will be hard to pin him on that. Also no actual breaking or other modification of an IT system occurred. And no 'specialized software' was used beyond a trivial script such as :

for i in range(0,7000000):

A lot of commentators on the Internet likened the situation to walking trough an unlocked door and stealing something. I think that analogy is very incorrect - there was no door, and nothing went missing after the action.

I came up with a different analogy - there was this corridor with a lot of doors in IRS, locked steel doors. You were instructed to go to a room with a specified number and given a key to that room to unlock it and see your secret info. However, that corridor opened out to the street on one end, oh and also the walls of the rooms with all the secrets were transparent. So Neo walked into the corridor, looked at some of the secrets, wrote them down (to remember them better) and then went out and discussed the worst examples abuses of power he saw.

In the end IRS had to learn their lesson - if you have to put naked photos of yourself on the Internet (or something equally embarrassing), then make damn sure you password protect that, but if you don't then don't cry that someone 'hacked' you and 'stole' you pictures.

What other people think:

We'll see how the story develops soon.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-10

  • Vāks, atkal mājās nets pazuda. Citynet fail jau 4to reizi mēneša laikā. @Lattelecom we need you uz Kurbada 5! #

  • Uploading Animefest7 bildes uz flickr - 4% complete. It's gonna take some time ... (610 photos, 1.8 Gb) #

  • I am very disappointed that 'United States of Tara' is not about #

  • Thunderbird + Lighting + DavMail rullē ļoti spēcīgi kā klients korporatīvajam Exchange 2007. Lielisks interfeiss un strādā. :) #

  • Ok, visi, kas vēl nav nobalsojuši - nobalsojiet lūdzu par Kurbada 5, Rīgā! Lai man ātrak būtu labs Internets ;) #

  • Internet - what you want, when you want it. TV - what you want, when you cann't watch it and crap when you can. Guess what I choose? #

  • Angliski īsāk lietas sanāk Twiterī. #

  • I am going to DebConf10! Just got the approval from my Accenture bosses for the travel expenses. Accenture rulez! #

  • Ok, tie bija vieni fenomenāli vārti! #hokejs #

  • Kāpēc TV3 skaņa ir par sekundi vai 2 ātrāk nekā bilde? #hokejs #

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