Debconf 24 photos

Debconf 24 is coming to a close in Busan, South Korea this year.

I thought that last year in India was hot. This year somehow managed to beat that. With 35C and high humidity the 55 km that I managed to walk between the two conference buildings have really put the pressure on. Thankfully the air conditioning in the talk rooms has been great and fresh water has been plentiful. And the korean food has been excellent and very energetic.

Today I will share with you the main group photo:

DebConf 24 Group photo

You can also see it in:

The rest of my photos from the event will be published next week. That will give me a bit more time to process them correctly and also give all of you a chance to see these pictures with fresh eyes and stir up new memories from the event.

Figuring out finances part 5

At the end of the last part of this, we got a Home Assistant OS installation that contains in itself a Firefly III instance and that contains all the current financial information. They are communicating and calculating predictions for me.

The only part that I was not 100% happy with was accounting of cash transactions. You see payments in cash are mostly made away from computer and sometimes even in areas without a mobile Internet connection. And all Firefly III apps that I tried failed at the task of creating a new transaction when offline. Even the one recommended Telegram bot from Firefly III page used a dialog-based approach for creating even a simplest transaction. Issue asking for a one-shot transaction creation option stands as unresolved.

Theoretically it would have been best if I could simply contribute that feature to that particular Telegram bot ... but it's written in Javascript. By mapping the API onto tasks somehow. After about 4 hours I still could not figure out where in the code anything actually happens. It all looked like just sugar or spagetty. Connectors on connectors on mappers.

So I did the real open-source thing and just wrote my own tool. firefly3_telegram_oneshot is a maximally simple Telegram bot based on python-telegram-bot library.

So what does it do? The primary usage for me is to simply send a message to the bot at any time with text like "23.2 coffee and cake" and when the message eventually reaches the bot, it then should create a new transaction from my "cash" account to "Unknown" account in amount of 23.20€ and description "coffee and cake".

That is the key. Everything else in the bot is comfort.

For example "/undo" command deletes the last transaction in cash account (presumably added by error) and "/last" shows which transaction the "/undo" would delete.

And to help with expense categorisation one can also do a message like "6.1 beer, dest=Edeka, cat=alcohol" that would search for a destination account that would fuzzy match to "Edeka" (a supermarket in Germany) and add the transation to the category fuzzy matched to "alcohol", like "Shopping - alcoholic drinks".

And to make that fuzzy matching more reliable I also added "/cat something" and "/dest something" commands that would show which category or destination account would be matched with a given string.

All of that in around 250 lines of Python code and executed by a 17 line Dockerfile (via the Portainer on my Home Assistant OS). One remaining function that could be nice is creating a category or destination account on request (for example when the first character of the supplied string is "+").

I am really plesantly surprised about how much can be done with how little code using the above Python library. And you never need to have any open incoming ports anywhere to runs such bots, so the attack surface for such bot-based service is much tighter.

All in all the system works and works well. The only exception is that for my particual bank there is still no automatic way of extracting data about credit card transactions. For those I still have to manually log into the Internet bank, export a CSV file and then feed that into the Firefly III importer. Annoying. And I am not really motivated to try to hack my bank :D

Has this been useful to any of you? Any ideas to expand or improve what I have? Just find me as "aigarius" on any social media and speak up :)

Figuring out finances part 4

At the end of the last part of this, we got a Home Assistant OS installation that contains in itself a Firefly III instance and that contains all the current financial information. Now I will try to connect the two.

While it could be nice to create a fully-featured integration for Firefly III to Home Assistant to communicate all interesting values and events, I have an interest on programming a more advanced data point calculation for my budget needs, so a less generic, but more flexible approch is a better one for me. So I was quite interested when among the addons in the Home Assistant Addon Store I saw AppDaemon - a way to simply integrate arbitrary Python processing with Home Assistant. Let's see if that can do what I want.

For start, after reading the tutorial , I wanted to create a simple script that would use Firefly III REST API to read the current balance of my main account and then send that to Home Assistant as a sensor value, which then can be displayed on a dashboard.

As a quick try I modified the provided that is included in the default AppDaemon installation:

import requests
from datetime import datetime
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
firefly_url = "<FIREFLY_URL>"

class HelloWorld(hass.Hass):
    def initialize(self):
        self.run_every(self.set_asset, "now", 60 * 60)

    def set_asset(self, kwargs):
        ent = self.get_entity("sensor.firefly3_asset_sparkasse_main")
        if not ent.exists():
                    "native_value": 0.0,
                    "native_unit_of_measurement": "EUR",
                    "state_class": "measurement",
                    "device_class": "monetary",

        r = requests.get(
            firefly_url + "/api/v1/accounts?type=asset",
                "Authorization": "Bearer " + app_token,
                "Accept": "application/vnd.api+json",
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
        data = r.json()
        for account in data["data"]:
            if not "attributes" in account or "name" not in account["attributes"]:
            if account["attributes"]["name"] != "Sparkasse giro":
            self.log("Account :" + str(account["attributes"]))
                    "native_value": account["attributes"]["current_balance"],
                    "current_balance_date": datetime.fromisoformat(account["attributes"]["current_balance_date"]),
            self.log("Entity updated")

It uses a URL and personal access token to access Firefly III API, gets the asset accounts information, then extracts info about current balance and balance date of my main account and then creates and/or updates a "sensor" value into Home Assistant. This sensor is with metadata marked as a monetary value and as a measurement. This makes Home Assistant track this value in the database as a graphable changing value.

I modified the file using the File Editor addon to edit the /config/appdaemon/apps/ file. Each time the file is saved it is reloaded and logs can be seen in the AppDaemon Logs section - main_log for logging messages or error_log if there is a crash. Useful to know that requests library is included, but it hard to see in the docks what else is included or if there is an easy way to install extra Python packages.

This is already a very nice basis for custom value insertion into Home Assistant - whatever you can with a Python script extract or calculate, you can also inject into Home Assistant. With even this simple approach you can monitor balances, budgets, piggy-banks, bill payment status and even sum of transactions in particular catories in a particular time window. Especially interesting data can be found in the insight section of the Firefly III API.

The script above uses a trigger like self.run_every(self.set_asset, "now", 60 * 60) to simply run once per hour. The data in Firefly will not be updated too often anyway, at least not until we figure out how to make bank connection run automatically without user interaction and not screw up already existing transactions along the way. In theory a webhook API of the Firefly III could be used to trigger the data update instantly when any transaction is created or updated. Possibly even using Home Assistant webhook integration. Hmmm. Maybe.

Who am I kiddind? I am going to make that work, for sure! :D But first - how about figuring out the future?

So what I want to do? In short, I want to predict what will be the balance on my main account just before the next months salary comes in. To do this I would:

  • take the current balance of the main account
  • if this months salary is not paid out yet, then add that into the balance
  • deduct all still unpaid bills that are due between now and the target date
  • if the credit card account has not yet been reset to the main account, deduct current amount on the cards
  • if credit card account has been reset, but not from main account deducted yet, deduct the reset amount

To do that I need to use the Firefly API to read: current account info, status of all bills including next due date and amount, transfer transactions between credit cards and main account and something that would store the expected salary date and amount. Ideally I'd use a recurring transaction or a income bill for this, but Firefly is not really cooperating with that. The easiest would be just to hardcode that in the script itself.

And this is what I have come up with so far.

To make the development process easier, I separated put the params for the API key and salary info and app params for the month to predict for, and predict both this and next months balances at the same time. I edited the script locally with Neovim and also ran it locally with a few mocks, uploading to Home Assistant via the SSH addon when the local executions looked good.

So what's next? Well, need to somewhat automate the sync with the bank (if at all possible). And for sure take a regular database and config backup :D

Figuring out finances part 3

So now that I have something that looks very much like a budgeting setup going, I am going to .. delete it! Why? Well, at the end of the last part of this, the Firefly III instance was running on a tiny Debian server in a Docker container right next to another Docker container that is running the main user of this server - a Home Assistant instance that has been managing my home for several years already. So why change that?

See, there is one bit of knowledge that is very crucial to your Home Assistant experience, which is not really emphasised enough in the Home Assistant documentation. In fact back when I was getting into the Home Assistant both the main documentation and basically all the guides around were just coming off the hype of Docker disrupting everything and that is a big reason why everyone suggested to install and use Home Assistant as a Docker container on top of any kind of stable OS. In fact I used to run it for years on my TerraMaster NAS, just so that I don't have a separate home server running 24/7 at home and just have everything inside the very compact NAS case.

So here is the thing you NEED to know - Home Assistant Container is DEMO version of Home Assistant! If you want to have a full Home Assistant experience and use the knowledge of the huge community around the HA space, you have to use the Home Assistant OS. Ideally on dedicated hardware. Ideally on HA Green box, but any tiny PC would also work great. Raspberry Pi 4+ is common, but quite weak as the network size grows and especially the SD card for storage gets old very fast. Get a real small x86 PC with at least 4Gb RAM and a NVME SSD (eMMC is fine too). You want to have an Ethernet port and a few free USB ports. I would also suggest immediately getting HA SkyConnect adapter that can do Zigbee networking and will do Matter soon (tm). I am making do with a SonOff Zigbee gateway, but it is quite hacky to get working and your whole Zigbee communication breaks down if the WiFi goes down - suboptimal.

So I took a backup of the Home Assistant instance using it's build-in tools. I took an export of my fully configured Firefly III instance and proceeded to wipe the drive of the NUC. That was not a smart idea. :D

On the Home Assitant side I was really frustrated by the documentation that was really focused on users that are (likely) using Windows and are using an SD card in something like Raspberry Pi to get Home Assistant OS running. It recommended downloading Etcher to write the image to the boot medium. That is a really weird piece of software that managed to actually crash consistently when I was trying to run it from Debian Live or Ubuntu Live on my NUC. It took me way too long to give up and try something much simpler - dd.

xzcat haos_generic-x86-64-11.0.img.xz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M

That just worked, prefectly and really fast. If you want to use a GUI in a live environment, then just using the gnome-disk-utility ("Disks" in Gnome menu) and using the "Restore Disk Image ..." on a partition would work just as well. It even supports decompressing the XZ images directly while writing.

But that image is small, will it not have a ton of unused disk space behind the fixed install partition? Yes, it will ... until first boot. The HA OS takes over the empty space after its install partition on the first boot-up and just grows its main partition to take up all the remaining space. Smart. After first boot is completed, the first boot wizard can be accessed via your web browser and one of the prominent buttons there is restoring from backup. So you just give it the backup file and wait. Sadly the restore does not actually give any kind of progress, so your only way to figure out when it is done is opening the same web adress in another browser tab and refresh periodically - after restoring from backup it just boots into the same config at it had before - all the settings, all the devices, all the history is preserved. Even authentification tokens are preserved so if yu had a Home Assitant Mobile installed on your phone (both for remote access and to send location info and phone state, like charging, to HA to trigger automations) then it will just suddenly start working again without further actions needed from your side. That is an almost perfect backup/restore experience.

The first thing you get for using the OS version of HA is easy automatic update that also automatically takes a backup before upgrade, so if anything breaks you can roll back with one click. There is also a command-line tool that allows to upgrade, but also downgrade ha-core and other modules. I had to use it today as HA version 23.10.4 actually broke support for the Sonoff bridge that I am using to control Zigbee devices, which are like 90% of all smart devices in my home. Really helpful stuff, but not a must have.

What is a must have and that you can (really) only get with Home Assistant Operating System are Addons. Some addons are just normal servers you can run alongside HA on the same HA OS server, like MariaDB or Plex or a file server. That is not the most important bit, but even there the software comes pre-configured to use in a home server configuration and has a very simple config UI to pre-configure key settings, like users, passwords and database accesses for MariaDB - you can litereally in a few clicks and few strings make serveral users each with its own access to its own database. Couple more clicks and the DB is running and will be kept restarted in case of failures.

But the real gems in the Home Assistant Addon Store are modules that extend Home Assitant core functionality in way that would be really hard or near impossible to configure in Home Assitant Container manually, especially because no documentation has ever existed for such manual config - everyone just tells you to install the addon from HA Addon store or from HACS. Or you can read the addon metadata in various repos and figure out what containers it actually runs with what settings and configs and what hooks it puts into the HA Core to make them cooperate. And then do it all over again when a new version breaks everything 6 months later when you have already forgotten everything. In the Addons that show up immediately after installation are addons to install the new Matter server, a MariaDB and MQTT server (that other addons can use for data storage and message exchange), Z-Wave support and ESPHome integration and very handy File manager that includes editors to edit Home Assitant configs directly in brower and SSH/Terminal addon that boht allows SSH connection and also a web based terminal that gives access to the OS itself and also to a comand line interface, for example, to do package downgrades if needed or see detailed logs. And also there is where you can get the features that are the focus this year for HA developers - voice enablers.

However that is only a beginning. Like in Debian you can add additional repositories to expand your list of available addons. Unlike Debian most of the amazing software that is available for Home Assistant is outside the main, official addon store. For now I have added the most popular addon repository - HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) and repository maintained by Alexbelgium. The first includes things like NodeRED (a workflow based automation programming UI), Tailscale/Wirescale for VPN servers, motionEye for CCTV control, Plex for home streaming. HACS also includes a lot of HA UI enhacement modules, like themes, custom UI control panels like Mushroom or mini-graph-card and integrations that provide more advanced functions, but also require more knowledge to use, like Local Tuya - that is harder to set up, but allows fully local control of (normally) cloud-based devices. And it has AppDaemon - basically a Python based automation framework where you put in Python scrips that get run in a special environment where they get fed events from Home Assistant and can trigger back events that can control everything HA can and also do anything Python can do. This I will need to explore later.

And the repository by Alex includes the thing that is actually the focus of this blog post (I know :D) - Firefly III addon and Firefly Importer addon that you can then add to your Home Assistant OS with a few clicks. It also has all kinds of addons for NAS management, photo/video server, book servers and Portainer that lets us setup and run any Docker container inside the HA OS structure. HA OS will detect this and warn you about unsupported processes running on your HA OS instance (nice security feature!), but you can just dismiss that. This will be very helpful very soon.

This whole environment of OS and containers and apps really made me think - what was missing in Debian that made the talented developers behind all of that to spend the immense time and effor to setup a completely new OS and app infrastructure and develop a completel paraller developer community for Home Assistant apps, interfaces and configurations. Is there anything that can still be done to make HA community and the general open source and Debian community closer together? HA devs are not doing anything wrong: they are using the best open source can provide, they bring it to people whould could not install and use it otherwise, they are contributing fixes and improvements as well. But there must be some way to do this better, together.

So I installed MariaDB, create a user and database for Firefly. I installed Firefly III and configured it to use the MariaDB with the web config UI. When I went into the Firefly III web UI I was confronted with the normal wizard to setup a new instance. And no reference to any backup restore. Hmm, ok. Maybe that goes via the Importer? So I make an access token again, configured the Importer to use that, configured the Nordlinger bank connection settings. Then I tried to import the export that I downloaded from Firefly III before. The importer did not auto-recognose the format. Turns out it is just a list of transactions ... It can only be barely useful if you first manually create all the asset accounts with the same names as before and even then you'll again have to deal with resolving the problem of transfers showing up twice. And all of your categories (that have not been used yet) are gone, your automation rules and bills are gone, your budgets and piggy banks are gone. Boooo. It will be easier for me to recreate my account data from bank exports again than to resolve data in that transaction export.

Turns out that Firefly III documenation explicitly recommends making a mysqldump of your own and not rely on anything in the app itself for backup purposes. Kind of sad this was not mentioned in the export page that sure looked a lot like a backup :D

After doing all that work all over again I needed to make something new not to feel like I wasted days of work for no real gain. So I started solving a problem I had for a while already - how do I add cash transations to the system when I am out of the house with just my phone in the hand? So far my workaround has been just sending myself messages in WhatsApp with the amount and description of any cash expenses. Two solutions are possible: app and bot.

There are actually multiple Android-based phone apps that work with Firefly III API to do full financial management from the phone. However, after trying it out, that is not what I will be using most of the time. First of all this requires your Firefly III instance to be accessible from the Internet. Either via direct API access using some port forwarding and secured with HTTPS and good access tokens, or via a VPN server redirect that is installed on both HA and your phone. Tailscale was really easy to get working. But the power has its drawbacks - adding a new cash transaction requires opening the app, choosing new transaction view, entering descriptio, amount, choosing "Cash" as source account and optionally choosing destination expense account, choosing category and budget and then submitting the form to the server. Sadly none of that really works if you have no Internet or bad Internet at the place where you are using cash. And it's just too many steps. Annoying.

An easier alternative is setting up a Telegram bot - it is running in a custom Docker container right next to your Firefly (via Portainer) and you talk to it via a custom Telegram chat channel that you create very easily and quickly. And then you can just tell it "Coffee 5" and it will create a transaction from the (default) cash account in 5€ amount with description "Coffee". This part also works if you are offline at the moment - the bot will receive the message once you get back online. You can use Telegram bot menu system to edit the transaction to add categories or expense accounts, but this part only work if you are online. And the Firefly instance does not have to be online at all. Really nifty.

So next week I will need to write up all the regular payments as bills in Firefly (again) and then I can start writing a Python script to predict my (financial) future!

Figuring out finances part 2

A week ago I started to migrate my financial planning from a closed source system to a new system based on an open source, self-hosted solution. Main candidate is Firefly III - a relatively simple financial planner with a rather rich feature set and a solid user base and developer support.

Starting it up with a Docker-Compose file was quite easy, following the official documentation. The same Compose file also managed the MySQL database, the importer app and a cron container for regular imports. The separate importer app allows both imports from CSV files and also from external bank account connection services. For whatever weird reason both of those services support exporting data from my regular bank accounts, but not from my credit cards for exactly the same bank. So for those cards I would need to periodically download CVS transaction exports and feed them into the importer.

The combination of the cron container and the importer app allows for both of these functions. To do this you first do the import via the Web UI first and configure all the mappings - configure file and date formats, map account names in the bank output to account names that you added in Firefly, configure what otehr columns mean and what is the mapping of other values, like expense and income accounts. At the end of the process you can download a json file representing all the settings of the import you just did. Putting such a json config file in the input folder of the cron container and telling it to do an import (weekly, for example) would do such import periodically. Putting a credit card CSV file along with a config file for credit card import would also auto-import that.

So far so good. However, when I tried importing exports from MoneyWiz or even when I tried re-creating account history directly from the bank data, I hit a very annoying problem. Transfers. Thing is detecting transfers between the real (asset) accounts that you are managing is really essential. For one those are not real expenses and incomes, so failing to mark them as transfers would show weird income/expense numbers. But if you do detect them as transfers and correctly map the destination account, but fail to match the transations between another you get a double-transaction. This becomes really hard when transactions happen on different dates and have different descriptions. So you get both a +1000€ transaction "Credit card reset" on 14.09.2023 in the credit card account and a -1000$ transaction "Repayment of own credit card" on 24.09.2023 in the main account of the bank. Matching them to recognise that it is just one transfer and not two is ... non-trivial. The best solution I could come up with so far is to always map the "Opposing account name" for such transfers to a virtual "Transfers" asset account. That has the benefit of being actually able to correctly represent transfers that take several days to move between accounts and showing you how much money is still in transit at any point in time.

So after I figured this out, finally the account balances started matching up with reality.

Setting up spending categories required another change - the author of the Firefly III does not like complexity so it does not support nesting categories. Categories can only be in a single, flat list. It is suggested that if you do need to track multiple categories and also their combination, then category groups might help you. I will survive for now by simplifying the categories that I do actually use. Might actually make the reports more usable.

A new feature for me will be the ability to use automation rules to assign transactions to categories based on their contents, like expense accounts of keywords in descriptions.

Setting up regular bills (with matching rules to assign incoming transactions to those bills) is another feature that is very important to me. The feature itself works just fine in Firefly III, but it has two restrictions that the author of the software does not actually want to be changed. For one it can not be used to track prodictable incomes (like salary), presumably because it is only there for bills (subscriptions in v3 UI). And for other, there is nothing in the base software that actually uses the data from bills to look forward. The author does not like to try to predict the future. Which for me is basically the one of two reasons to use this kind of software at all. I want to know - given all manually entered regular and 100% predictable expenses and incomes, what will be the state of my accounts at particular date? It seems that to get at that I will need to write my own oracle script using the rich Firefly III API.

The last question I had for this week was - how will I enter a new cash puchace of potatoes on a farmers market into the system that sits in a private server in my home network? Turns out there are actually multiple Android apps for Firefly III that can be easily used for this using a robust OAuth or shared token authentification. Except the web UI needs to be exposed online for this to work (and ideally protected by HTTPS). Other users have also created Telegram bots that allow using chat messages to create transaction entries. This is a bit harder to use and more narrow scope, but should be easier to setup. Will have to try both apporaches.

But before I really get going on this, I need to fix another thing that I have been postponing for a while: I will need to migrate my Home Assistant installation from a Docker container installation to a Home Assistant OS installation so that I can install Addons, including Firefly III, MySQL and Portainer to have a bit more organised and less hand-knitted home server setup. Let's see how that goes next week :D

Figuring out finances part 1

I have been managing my finances and getting an overview of where I am financially and where I am going month-to-month for a few years already. That means that I already have a method of doing my finances and a method of thinking about them. So far this has been supported by a commerical tool called MoneyWiz. I was happy to pay them for the ability to have a solid product and be able to easily access my finances from my phone (to enter cash transactions directly in the field) and sync data across multiple devices with their cloud offering. However, MoneyWiz development stalled. So much so that they stopped updating their Android app and cancelled web version plans to just focus on a iPhone and MacOS clients. And even there the development did not seem very successful over the last year. So I am cancelling their subscription, extracting all my data (as CSV) and looking for alternatives.

So let's start with the basics - what I want from finace software?

  • Open source and self-hosted
  • Accounts to represent real accounts in my bank, credit cards, cash account
  • Transactions to represent money moving in/out/between accounts
  • Tree of categories for transactions to categorise spending
  • Category reports on arbitrary time periods
  • Ability to see the expected balance on each account at any historic point in time from given transactions
  • Ability to do a corrective transaction - hmm, I don't know what happened, but right now I have X€ in cash
  • Adding past transactions before a corrective transaction should not change balance after correction
  • Ability to automatically import transactions from my bank
  • Ability to plan future, recurring transactions
  • Incoming transactions from bank import should be auto-matched with planned recuring transactions
  • Ability to see missed planned recurring transactions
  • Ability to see value deviations in planned recuring transactions
  • Ability to manually match a transaction with a planned recurring transaction for that month or skip a month
  • Ability to see a projected balance on my accounts at any future date given planned transactions
  • Credit card fully refilling its current (negative) balance to zero (from a given account) should be a plannable transaction
  • Accessible from multiple devices, like Linux, Android, iPhone, MacOS. Most likely that means web-based
  • Achiving accounts without loosing their past transactions with active accounts
  • API to access data, so that I could wire that up to a Home Assistant dashboard

I don't care about currencies (thanks Euro!), localization, taxes and double-entry bookkeeping. I don't have much use for tags, budgets or savings targets.

It could be useful to be able to track stock investment values (but I do have a pretty good from the bank that does that anyway). And tracking loans (incoming and outgoing) could be a worthwhile thing as well, but that can also be simulated with separate accounts for each loan. Tracking refundable expenses (like medical expenses that insurances should refund later on) would also be nice. Could also be simulated by having a separate expense category (Medical - refundable) and putting the refund as a negative expense into that category.

One weird feature that I really like is having transfer transactions that have arbitrary incoming and outgoing dates. For some transactions it is a simple transfer delay - money leaves the account A on Friday and only appears in the destination account B on Monday morning. However, this can also happen the other way around - a few credit cards I have seen work in a way that on 14th of each month the balance of the credit card gets reset to zero and then a week later the negative balance that was on that credit card gets taken from the base account that the card is bound to. So the money leaves the base account a week later than it arrives in the credit card account. Financial systems really are magic sometimes :D

Ideally that should be represented by a single transaction with two dates - one date when money leaves one account and another date when it arrives in a different account, so that balances on both accounts in the days between would be correct (as in matching what the bank says they were on those dates). And it should automatch such transaction from bank data imports. And predict its value from the negative balance of the credit card. And a pony! But in worst case this could be simulated using a separate "In transfer" account.

When I am thinking about my finances, the key metric for me is - how much will I spend this month - both in fixed spending (rent, Internet and phone bills, health insurance, subscriptions, ...) and in variable spending (groceries, eating out, clothing, ...). In theory that should be trivial, but in practice a simple calendar month view will fail because a bunch of fixed expenses occur at the month end/start boundary and can happen either at the end of previous month or at start on next month, depending on how the weekends happen to fall and how the systems of various providers decided to do direct debits this month. So 1st of month is not a good snapshoting time. Any date between 6th (last possible days for monthly bills) and 20th (earliest possible salary day) would be a better cut off point. Looking at the balance of my main account at that time point lets me know what was the difference between income and expenses for the past month. And that is the number I want the financial app to be able to predict as soon as possible.

And additional complication is the way credit cards work here. The expenses booked to a credit card after 14th of September will only appear in the main account on 20th of October and thus will actually only count towards the expenses of month of October. That makes it very confusing to see a larger overspend in the main account on 6th of October and then use the categories to try to figure out where the money went, because all the spending that happened on the credit card after the 14th of September should not really be looked at in that context, but spending on the main account or cash account should be counted all the way to 6th of October. :D

I am not optimistic that any finance software would able to doea with this mess correctly.

So far I am tending to consider Firefly III which has most of what I need and looks great and well maintained, but has the tiny drawback of being written in PHP, so that basically excludes me from ability to contribute anything beyond ideas and feedback. :D

I already did a quick test of Firefly via local Docker containers, so the next step would be to try to set it up as a production instance (using the same always-on mini PC that is running my Home Assistant instance), get the database up and working, get the Firefly III itself up and running, get account importer working for bank connection, import historical transactions from there, setup my categories and recurring transactions, import past data dumped out of MoneyWiz and see if this works well and gives me the insights I need.

If you know a better solution, please let me know on any social or email channel!

Debconf 23 photos all

Two weeks have passed since Debconf 23 came to a close in Kochi, Kerala, India this year.

In keeping with the more relaxed nature of Debconf in India, the rest of my photos from the event were to be published about two weeks from the end of the event. That will give me a bit more time to process them correctly and also give all of you a chance to see these pictures with fresh eyes and stir up new memories from the event.

In the end we are looking at 653 photos and one video. Several different group photos, including a return of the pool group photo that was missing from the event since Mexico in 2006! This year was the first for a new camera (Canon R7) and I am quite happy with the results, even if I still need to learn a lot about this new beast. Also the gradual improvements of panorama stiching software (Hugin) ment that this year I did not need to manually correct any face-melt events on any of the group photos. So that is cool!

DebConf 23 pool Group photo

You can find all my photos on:

Also, don't forget to explore the rest of the Git LFS share content - there are very many great photos by others this year as well!

Debconf 23 photos

Debconf 23 is coming to a close in Kochi, Kerala, India this year.

And it has been my pleasure to again be here and take lots of pictures of the event and of the surroundings. In total I took 1852 photos and walked just over 50 km between the two venue buildings and all the rooms where action happened.

Today I will share with you the main group photo:

DebConf 23 Group photo

You can also see it in:

In keeping with the more relaxed nature of Debconf in India, the rest of my photos from the event will be published in about two weeks from now. That will give me a bit more time to process them correctly and also give all of you a chance to see these pictures with fresh eyes and stir up new memories from the event.

Smart Shelly with Home Assistant

I am looking to improve my smart home installation as I plan to move to a new appartment. I already have a well functioning Home Assistant installation with a ton of automations (like lights that automatically come on when light level outside drops, that dim when it is time to go to sleep, robot vaccum that runs when everyone is away and also automation that lets us know when CO2 levels are too high and we should ventilate). We have colorful smart lights that can be dimmed or can change colors as the mood strikes.

However, one big problem that my setup currently has is that physical light switches on the walls can not be used to control the lights (as in - if the wall switch turns the light off, there is no way to turn it back on via Home Assistant) and if the Home Assistant goes down (which does sometimes happen, usually when I am away for a longer time) then it is really hard to control the lights without it.

So I've been searching for a holy grail: combination of smart (or smartified) light switches on the walls and smart light bulbs (with colors and dimming) that works with automations when Home Assistant is online and also just works directly to power lights on and off when Home Assistant is offline.

And I think I have found a solution that will be acceptable for me. The solution involves taking a normal dumb light installation, putting in smart light bulbs (any that Home Assistant can manage) and then wiring in a Shelly next to an existing dumb wall switch. For design consistency sake it would be good if the wall switch is of impulse type (so only connecting the connectors when the button is being pressed, like a doorbell button), but the setup should also work for normal toggle wall switches with minimal changes. Some settings on the Shelly and a custom Shelly script will take care of offline functionality. Note: Gen1 Shelly devices do not have scripting capabilities, you need a Gen2 device to do this, like the linked Shelly Plus.

So first I created a test setup to validate my design. I took an old extension cable with a damaged wire, cut out the damaged part and split up the wiring to make my test setup. It was really convinient to use the right tools - a simple cable stripper, a precise wire stripper and best wire connectors. Using the right tools it was really easy, fast and also safe to just pull insulation from the cable, split up the wires, clean off exactly 10mm off the end of each wire and push them into the Wago connectors to connect them together.

The completed test setup is a bit janky, but it works and is electrically safe (at least for testing purposes). The wiring is pretty clear from Shelly documentation (which is also just printed on the front of the device itself). The only point of clarification is that on the output side the Shelly is a relay and not a power provider, which means that when connecting Shelly to the wires going towards your lights it is not enough to just wire Shelly output one to lights live wire and Shelly output zero to lights neutral wire. Instead you need to connect you input neutral wire directly to your lights neutral (same as input ground) and then wire the input live wire trough the Shelly output contacts (so input live to Shelly output zero and Shelly output one to lights live wire). Except if you but a Shelly Plus 1PM, which has to measure power consumption and thus has to pass the whole device current trough itself to properly measure it.

When that is done, tested and plugged in you can use Shelly app to connect to your new Shelly device and make it join your WiFi network (or you can just use a laptop or a phone to joint to the Shelly ad-hoc WiFi network and configure it via its build-in web UI). When the Shelly is in your network you can continue to configure via the Web UI and Home Assistant.

Add the Shelly to your Home Assistant installation (it will automatically detect a new Shelly device and promt to enable Shelly integration once the device shows up in the local WiFi network). Add an automation to toggle the light state of the connected smart bulb(s) (Service: Light toggle) when "First button button down" event triggers on the Shelly. This will be the way the light state is going to be controlled normally. It can also be useful to add an automation that runs on Home Assistant start-up to ask all Shelly devices to turn outputs to on, so that after recovery of Home Assistant after an outage you can

In the Shelly web UI (after updating firmware, as usual) you'd want to disconnect output from input, set input type to button (assuming you have an impulse button input, like I do) and configure the output to be powered on by default when power comes back. And then you'll want to add this script to your Shelly. You will want to adjust the URL to your Home Assistant instance there. This script monitors if the Home Assistant is alive or not and if the Home Assistant is not alive, then take the matters into its own hands and power off and on the lights directly.

I am sure there are many ways this can be improved and tweaked. I like the flexibility this approach gives - I can cleanly program behaviour in Home Assistant and also directly on the Shelly switches (without even having to flash any custom firmware). This particular way is also quite scalable - if I have 10 Shelly switches in my home I can have exactly the same script and settings on all of them - the link between the switch and the light(s) is done via physical wiring and via automation settings in Home Assistant. The Shelly does not have to know what smart lights (or other devices) are connected to it and how they are supposed to be controlled.

If you are using MQTT with Home Assistant, then Shelly can also speak directly to MQTT instead and the online check becomes much more trivial because the MQTT object in the Shelly Script API has isConnected property.

Securing your blog - fast and easy

After the last couple of posts a few people asked me why my blog site is still HTTP-only? Why did I not secure my page and contribute my little bit to normalizing encrypted traffic on the Internet and all that good jazz?

And the answer was - I was lazy and thought that it was complicated.

I could not have been more wrong :D However the key here is not to follow the official guides. In fact doing things the Debian way turned out to be far simpler and straight forward.

If you want to get a free SSL certificate and setup your site correctly, you will likely eventually get to this page and it will then you instrct you to install snap and pull a snap package of certbot. Well, no. I will not be doing that, thank you very much. I have a perfectly functional Debian packaing system right here and I do not want to pollute my system with multiple package managers and updaters. No snap, no flatpack. I am fine with Docker because those are containers, they are not in my system, they run in separated systems above my system.

Turns out all of that was way more complicated than necessary, anyway.

Debian Buster contains a perfectly functional package of certbot and it is fully integrated too!

All I had at the start was my domain configured on HTTP in nginx.

All I did was:

# apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
# certbot run

It asked me a few questions about me, which domain to work on (of the configured nginx domains that it automatically found) and then just automagically got the certificates, deployed them and configured nginx to enable HTTPS using those new certificates. As an extra it also asked me if I wanted to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS and that was it. I was done. No extra steps, no config files edited, no complex command lines and no extra package managers installed on my system.

10/10 would recommend!

Edit: it looks like the certbot handled the "" domain perfectly, but missed the redirects from "", so I'd have to fix those up manually by just copying the directive that certbot added to nginx config file for "" and editing the domain name.