Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-12

  • Checked both Debconf13/Latvia venues today, all my outstanding issues were adresed, but differently. #

  • LU has all sorted out and ready to go. RTU has major construction going that whoul also fix all our issues by next year. #

  • LU is definately the best choice now, but RTU might be great in two years, will have to keep it around as a backup plan. #

  • Will think some more about on the flight to Tampere and then update the Debconf13 Latvia wiki page accordingly. #

  • Now, has anyone been to Cēsu castle or Bikermuižas (?) brewery recently? Pondering that route for a daytrip. #

  • This weeks Doctor Who was weak, so much so that it was the episode that kids wrote in a competition, until I saw the Confidential episode. #

  • "I thought it was ... (written by kids)" re last tweet, damn my word skipping brain. #

  • Teorētiski varētu būt soliņš ar NFC un 4sq - kā apsēdies tā uzreiz iečekojies, cit sociālā funkcija prātā nenāk. #

  • Manas ieprēkšējās Sennheiser austiņas nokalpoja godam 5 gadus, bet tagad āda ir noberzusies un ir neērti - nopirku jaunas. HD 598 :D #

  • Tagad pēc tā kā ieraudzīju Bohemian Rhapsody iekš trending topikiem, jaunās austiņas lieti noderēja klausoties YEAH! #

  • Beižak avio katastrofās izdzīvo stuartes, kas sēž ar muguru lidmašīnas kustības virzienā - tā var izturēt lielākas pārslodzes. #

  • Redz, vēl viens atgādinājums, ka AirBaltic ir jāinvest, lai nomaina vecos Fokker 50 un nesanāk kā dažiem citem. Žēl gan ka tā. #

  • Finished Game of Thrones book 5. It looks there will be at least 7-8 books in this series :P And the situation is darker by the book. #

  • Hmm, BalticMiles kontā sakrāti gandrīz 60k punktu, bet nav nekā prātīga ko par viņiem nopirkt. #firstworldpains #

  • Ja cilvēki grib gīkiskos Internetu un failus, tad lai mācās arī tos pārsūtīt ar ubergīkisko Skype vai Dropbox. #

  • OMG, there is no simple way to render a HTML5 page from a remote server onto my computing device display, all those browsers, so confusing! #

  • Ja kas, tā bija atbilde uz . Kopsummā - stupid people do stupid things, because they don't know better despite advice #

  • XKCD trollo ne pa jokam. Ir desmitiem lielisku veidu kā pārsūtīt failus. Ja cilveks nevar izvēlēties vienu, ir vienkārši trulums. Skype? #

  • Commented on: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Then and Now - Today's News: Our Take | #

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