Posts about floss
- Debconf18 group photo
- Debconf 17 photo retrospective
- Photo migration from Flickr to Google Plus
- Moved to Mezzanine
- Fish-ing for tips
- Gnome thumbnails size
- NVidia Optimus fail
- Phoning it in
- Hacker 'Neo' caught in Latvia
- Ubuntu 10.04 and NTFS filesystems
- Latvijas pavasara Ubuntu Bug Jam un Installest - 27.03.2010
- Google Wave
- Copyright infringement is like walking into a concert without a ticket
- Slowfs
- Firefox 3.0 download record
- More of a good thing?
- Quoted
- Webmin alternatives
- TurboGears widget errors
- FON not giving me my own Internet
- SBackup new beta - test and translate please!
- FHS extension for user home folders
- Eternal unstable?
- Die C
- SBackup 0.10 is out!
- Why? Oh Gods! Why?
- Debian artwork
- SBackup revitalising - I18N
- Spot focus
- Spelling
- Middle-clicking files
- Presenting to project leaders
- ReadThemAll GPL book reader for Palm
- Preparing a presentation for tomorrow
- Here is a quick idea for you - Free Soft...
- Free Christmas in Riga, Latvia.
- Ian Murdock’s Weblog » Open source and the commoditization of software
- Dropcash News