Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-23

  • Esam @TurKebab - viņi ir iegājuši super ātrā ritmā: viss gatavs bija minūtes laikā. Saimniece pie kasses. Stilā :) #

  • The flu is in da house :P #

  • Yay! Man arī beidzot piešķīra Retweet funkciju twitterī un, kas ir vēl svarīgāk, retweet indikāciju tā itkā tweets nāk no sākotnējā avota #

  • Četratā skatāmies 'Lie to me' - es @blondyimp un divas gripas :) #

  • Flu is bad, head hurts very bad. Luckily I don't have 38.5+ feverl like some other people I know. And a laptop by the bedside helps too :) #

  • Starp citu @TurKebab jūsu maizīte ir tik garšīga, ka viņu gribētos arī ar doner plate un citiem kebabiem uz skīvja #

  • - GoogleOS incoming :) #

  • Man patīk vannas putas - tikko iesēdies vannā jau esi vienu reizi nomazgājies un arī ūdens nepaliek tik ātri taukains vai netīrs. Weird? #

  • Eliot Spitzer on Rachel Maddow is great as a expert on politics. Could be a comeback. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-16

  • Ubuntu 9.10 fail - there is no usb-creator.exe on the CD images (or anywhere on the web) despite the docs saying that it is the only way. #

  • Labrīt tauta ! See you at the annual LATA conference - #

  • Zalāns: "pat mēs nezinam cik uz IT tiek tērēts. IT izmaksas ir noslēptas dziļi budžetos" #

  • Zalāns atzīst, ka ar Microsoft mēs esam "grāvī". #lata2009 #

  • Zalāns: jāatgūst Latvijas ekonomiskā netakarība #lata2009, IT sistēmu neatkarība no Microsoft nezkapēc netiek pieminēta :P #

  • Gravier no Sun minūtes 5 būtoja Solaris uz laptopa un tagad ilgi un dikti skaidro OSI open source definīciju. Par ilgu. #

  • Ok, piemēri no Sun džeka ir interesanti, cerams, ka citi prezentētāji neatkārtos open source definīciju. Tas gan būtu boring. #lata2009 #

  • Oracle - we buy companies that our customers like. #lata2009 ok, Oracle ir ievērojami lielāks nekā es domāju. Nezināju, ka viņi ir Siebel. #

  • Jep, Oracle pārāk sales-pitchiska. Kādiem valsts iestāžu cilvēkiem varētu noderēt ziņa, ka Oracle uz Windows Server nav prātīgi. #lata2009 #

  • IT Alise cilvēks runā par visu ministriju IT apvienošanu un nodošanu kādam privātam konsorcijam pārvaldībā. #lata2009 #

  • Tad jau labāk, lai ir Valsts IT centrs, kas pats uzturēs visu ministriju un struktūru IT lietas, bez outsorcing. #lata2009 #

  • Bullshit meter running high. #

  • Ja cilvēks mācētu prezentēt un raiti un skaidri runāt, tad (varbūt) ideju varētu mēģināt pārdot. #lata2009 #

  • Pusdienas beidzot tuvojas #lata2009 - laikam būs jāaiziet uz #TurKebab :) #

  • Doner plate @TurKebab - izskatās un arī ir ļoti garšīgi. #TurKebab #

  • Licensēšanas prezentācija ir tīri laba :) #lata2009 #

  • Pēcpusdienas prezentācijas #lata2009 ir daudz jautrākas - te LU cilvēks ar entropijas principiem parādīja daudz interesanta #

  • Http:// #lata2009 #

  • Mazā aula #lata2009 gan šodien bija pilna, patīkami norunāt bija :D #

  • RT: @juriskazha Tele2 " Meterorīts" par 9Ls mēnesī piedāvā 1500 sarunas minūtes T2 tīklā, 500 min uz citiem tīkliem, 10 MB datu jaudu. #

  • - LOTS of cool stuff in Ubuntu. #

  • My childhood dream is complete - I have a green lazer! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-09

  • You know what is perverse? Installing Windows 7 in Sun VirtualBox on Ubuntu 9.10 just ot get new music on my iPhone. And it is great! #

  • The best thing is that I can continue working/relaxing with all my Ubuntu apps while iTunes does all the weird things it does for an hour. #

  • - Rīga kā City 17 no Half-Life 2 iekš Kanādiešu īsfilmas. #

  • Esam @Turkebab rinda nav traka, apkalpošana laipna, daudz elektrības rozešu un vēl WiFi, tik paroli nezin. #

  • "Obama knows when to turn the lightsaber on" - David Plouffe, Obama's chef campaign manager. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-02

  • The more I use htop, the more cool features I find. Never using regular top anymore - htop is AWESOME! #

  • Also planning to go to local Ubuntu 9.10 launch event - (in latvian) #

  • - Football Hero. It's madness! #

  • Lūk ko tādu kā Football Hero TELE2 vajadzēja taisīt - reāli pozitīvu un innovatīvu, bet crazy. #

  • Jautājums - kādas ir autsaksmes par datoriem un servisu? #

  • Android izgudro daudz velosipedus, kamer Maemo lieto standartus: Qt, Gnome, D-Bus, PulseAudio, dpkg, ... Un kapacitativā atbalsts būs drīz. #

  • Following @elizadushku - amazingly cool actress, cute WoW newbie and extremely sexy guest on the Stern Show a while back. #

  • Pēc divām stundām no darba prom uz Ubuntu 9.10 release party, jāsarauj, lai paspētu darāmo izdarīt. #

  • Ubuntu 9.10 release party in Latvian University Linux center starting up now # ubuntu #

  • Dodamies uz LatBurger ar vilcienu :D #

  • Stilīgi vagoni tagad vilcienos uz Jūrmalu, plus ar SMS var biļetes nopirkt. Mēs gan neizmēģinājām. #

  • Uzmanību! LatBurger Imantā veras ciet! Būšot pēc kāda mēneša centrā ap Dzirnavu ielu. #

  • LatBurger Imantā šodien pēdējā diena. Mēs ar @blondyimp bijām pēdējie klienti. Burgeri bija super - daudz labāki kā sākuma dienās. #

  • Nu zolitūdē, es tos rajonos jaucu. Guļamrajonā nepērk fast-food - pārceļās uz centru ar atstrādātu praksi un labu brendu. #

  • Gan burgeru, gan kartupeļu kvalitāte bija ievērojami labāki nekā sākumā un arī uzcepa to visu ātrāk. Tehnika atstrādāta: var centrā iet. #

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New hardware - planning

My primary workstation is a 3 and a half year old Dell XPS M1710 laptop and it is getting old - the 320 Gb hard drive is getting small and slow, the 3 Gb or RAM (expanded from 2 Gb) look too small and screen is turning brown in one corner. Also dead or dying: keyboard (after cat+coffee incident), built-in speakers, battery, power adapter (twice replaced), DVD writer (rads but does not write any more) and fans (one replaced, one getting louder by the week). Also the video card is a bit slow for nowadays needs.

So I set aside some money and started considering the options. In short, I could get another laptop OR get a regular computer for the same price but with twice the power. After considering all the laptop options up to 1000LVL, I decided to get a regular computer and if/when I'll need to travel I'll either take one of the old laptops with me or get a new netbook.

Now comes the fun part - choosing the components!

So far my choices are as follows:

  • 1080p LCD/TN monitor with a built-in DVB-T TV receiver, around 23" - around 180 LVL (comparable options without the TV receiver are around 50 LVL cheaper, getting an extra digital TV in the house is a nice extra)

  • Intel Core i5 processor and a corresponding motherboard from ASUS with 4 RAM slots and 1 video card slot (I like ASUS hardware and the TurboBoost technology of i5 sounds a very nice alternative to buying a high-Ghz dual core setup) - 125 LVL + 80 LVL

  • NVidia 250GTS video card (for my WoW raiding fun) - 60 LVL

  • 2*2Gb of DDR3 1600 KINGSTON RAM with lifetime warranty, leaving 2 slots for expansion later - 60 LVL

  • 1 Tb HDD (Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ got great scores in recent digital times reviews) - 55 LVL

  • Chieftec 500W PSU and case (good experience with them so far and good reviews) - 70 LVL

  • Blueray player with DVD-RW (why not at this price?) - 60 LVL

And that is it - a great setup that will last me a few years for around 700 LVL and it will have more partial upgradability than my laptop that I paid twice as much 3 years ago.

Any tips? Did I miss anything? Is it likely that anything in the above list will cause me any trouble in latest Ubuntu/Debian installations?

Update: got all of the above, except 500 Gb HDD of the same kind (faster, cooler, but higher price per Gb) and no Blueray (no drive in LV at the moment and did not want to wait a few weeks). The results are good, but I wish I would have gone with a 5 LVL more expensive video card that has a quieter cooler. Now I am buying a separate video card cooler for around 20 LVL that will be both more efficient and much quieter than the stock cooler I have - Zalman VF1000 is the model. Has not arrived yet.

P.S. It looks like updating a post in WP, automatically bumps it back into the Planet feed. Sorry :(

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-26

  • Apparently Twitter Tools for Wordpress are not UTF-8 safe - latvian chars turned into '?' :( #

  • - finally found out how to make a Wave public. #

  • Forgot to set setting in my TwitterTools, so the tweet about new blog post missed the URL. Here it is #

  • Reading - the best intro book into GIT distributed version control system #

  • Love the backgrounds that are shipped with Ubuntu 9.10, especially the stack of space backgrounds. I hope there will be more to come! #

  • LTV Ziņas: Mazsalacas novadā nokrīt meteorīts - gribu video no vietas! #

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QEMU quit during console startup bind() failed

To get more Google juice to the problem. If you are trying qemu or libvirt or kvm or virt-manager and when you are starting up your second guest you see a message such like this:

QEMU quit during console startup
bind() failed

Then two of your guests have the same port set for their VNC devices. Change the port in the VNC section to something that is free. A more specific erro would have save a half an hour of Googling.

My first post with Google Wave pops up for people

Some time ago I wrote a test post with a Google Wave embedded into the post. Only a couple days ago I discovered that to make a Wave public one needs to add as a participant to the wave. I did that and the Wave became visible also to people without Wave accounts. But another fun thing happened at the same time - multiple people reported that this Wave popped up directly in their Google Wave Inbox. But in this case I suspect that when people saw the Wave (even in it's disabled form) either on my blog or on the Planet Debian, Google stored that info somewhere and when they logged in their new Google Wave accounts it added that wave to their Inbox, but the wave did not show up in their Inbox until I made it public a couple days ago. And thus there was a disconnect between action (people viewing my blog post) and reaction (Wave showing up in their Inbox) that will confuse a lot of people.

The way to fix that would be to only add waves to your Inbox if you've commented on them (or added to them) which would not be possible for private waves.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-19

  • Gooooood morning, Vieeeeeetnam! #

  • Accenture day 3 - I've finally figured out all control surfaces of my chair. Bliss. Might as well work now :) #

  • Prowling for a good lunch spot around Accenture iffice. Got several suggestions - week full of testing ahead :) #

  • - Nice! A good rescue image of Ubuntu made by DELL :) #

  • nopietni upgreidots. ?oti pat?kami. #

  • Added a plugin to my Wordpress to auto-post a summary of my tweets every week. Should 'liven' the blog a bit and allow better comments. #

  • Google Chrome sicks - it does not support SuperGenPass :) #

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