Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-25

  • #MansTelefons ir iPhone 3G, bet gribu Nokia n900. Šovasar varēs nomainīt bez sirdsapziņas pārmetumiem. #

  • - my favourite book writer Charles Stross discusses the future of books. Very lively debate in comments. #

  • Everyone should watch 'The Tonight Show' with Conan O'Brian from this week - NBC fired him, but he has his last week - best TV ever! #

  • 18. Jan - 22. January to be precise. Just get it from #

  • It is pretty fantastic what a great comedian can create if he does not have to fear of being fired anymore. Go #teamconan ! #

  • Now I am waiting for the announcement that Conan 'CoCo' O'Brian is going to move to Sirius Satellite Radio next to Howard Stern #teamconan #

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/bin/time 0maxresident?

If I run GNU time with some large program, I get the following output:
604.90user 13.16system 11:05.56elapsed 92%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
712inputs+0outputs (5major+76648minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Question - I would guess that maxresident would refer to maximum resident memory usage of the program that I ran, but why is it always zero?

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-18

  • Microsoft still has no clue - one year ago their IE-testing virtual images started to ask for activation, new image build are out - same bug #

  • Best new free software project name - Klactoveedsedstene #

  • On flexibility of Python: #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-11

  • Channeling my inner Sarah Palin (and Tina Fey): I can see Windows from my house! #

  • Ir kas labs vai slikts dzirdēts par dzīvokļiem projektā Jaunā Teika? #

  • Šodien pusi dienas nomocījos ar vēdera problēmām. Par laimi uz vakara pusi paliek labak. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-04

  • Heh, mierīgs jaunais gads - mājās, pie datora, fireworks aiz loga pa pilnam un sarkanvīna šampis no Austrālijas. Have fun all! #

  • Stendzinieks un Smirnovs uzdzen paniku kārtējo reizi. Vienreiz jau noslauca muļķus, kas LVL->EUR samaiņīja. Cik tad vēl ticēs? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-28

  • RT @iBloglv: Nāk rudens apgleznot Latviju, bet necenties, nepūlies tā, mēs visi esam jau ārzemēs tik un tā... #

  • - Liels paldies LU Linux Centram par šo resursu skolām! #

  • - pēc šitādiem laika bendēm, man arī lamāties sagribējās. #

  • Rīgas centrs ir slidotava, bez dzība vai nāve nepieciešamības ārā neejiet! #

  • Ledus + lietus ir nāve gājējiem. #

  • 2-3 cm ledus un pa virsu ūdens kārta no lietus, tikai pāris kvartālos ielas ir nokaisītas no jauna,citur viss ir aizskalots un ir tīrs ledus #

  • Vislabāko 3D redzeju Berlīnē - tur divi projektori, katrs savai acij projecē, viens ar vert polarizāciju, otrs ar horiz. Daudz labāk. #

  • Pie mums projecē pāmīšus labo un kreiso kadru, bet mehānisms brillēs sinhroni aiztumšina labo vai kreiso aci. Tāpēc ir tikai puse no herciem #

  • Just started Japanese Core 2000:Step 1 on #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-21

  • Vēl tikai vajag dabūt lai VNA rīko C/UNIX programmešanas kursus bezdarbniekiem, lai par to arī pabalstu varētu saņemt. #

  • Tagad viņi jau rīko parastos datoru lietošanas kursus, bet programmēšanas kursi būtu daudz noderīgāki. #

  • When you need to write a programming language that would generate config files of your program, then .. it kinda gets complicated. #

  • Just signed a contract extension with Accenture to 'unlimited time' :) #

  • Gooodmorning, people! Going to see Avatar 3D later tonight, wonder if it will live up to the hype. #

  • - 2.5 mil view video from Latvian group Melo-M and Liepaja symphonic orchestra #

  • is their web site and they are on tour in Latvia currently :) #

  • Avatar 3D is phenomenal. Well worth the money. #

  • Air battle sights in Avatar were the best for me that I've ever seen, even better than Macross Zero (my last favorite air battle scene). #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-14

  • Love cairo and python - pie charts in around 15 lines of code (without pycha module), line and bar chars in 10 more lines #

  • Ok, who needs more Google Wave invites. It looks like they are increasing their capacity rather rapidly #

  • Ok, ka vēl vajag Google Wave invaitus? Who else needs Google Wave invites? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-07

  • Wikipedia needs Wave support - main wavelet = wiki page, comments = talk page, automatic two way sync and coming to my inbox on updates. #

  • Google Chrom 'new tab' window should have a dedicated place for 'URL in your clipboard' web page with preview #

  • Google Chrome 'new tab' window should have a dedicated place for 'URL in your clipboard' web page with preview #chrome #

  • gnome-terminal or ipython performance is insanely low - I am pasting a 600Kb file from clipboard to a g-t with ipython in it - for 6+ hours. #

  • Best ideas come just before falling asleep - it is very useful to have an iPhone at bedsie for notes (and as an alaem clock). #

  • When mininova shuts the search, and come to the rescue :) #

  • When shuts the search, and come to the rescue :) #

  • To all SharePoint* people who just started following me - SharePoint is useless - learn to use Plone and get much more features for free. #

  • IZM darba grupa - ar atvērtā koda programmatūru var izpildīt visas mācību procesa prasības skolās. #

  • Question: if draft-n wireless routers can stream data over WiFi at 300 Mbps, then why they only have 100 Mbps Ethernet ports??? #

  • ReQuestion: are there any draft-n routers with 1 Gbps ports (4 LAN+1WAN ports)? And with a USB2 port? And reasonably priced too? :D #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-30

  • seamstress = šuvju stresotāja :D #

  • Interesanti: cik ES mums samaksātu CO2 subsīdijās, lai visus vilcienus pārvestu uz elektro (arī kravas)? #

  • Šodien @ltvpanorama rubrikā 'Šeit ir darbs' būs mana jaunā darba vieta - Accenture. Silti iesaku visiem IT cilvekiem paskatīties. #

  • - kāds ir jau izmēģinājis Capital Gauja A1R? Izskatās smuki, un arī bez Windows var dabūt! #

  • removed from my bookmarks, we'll miss you ;( #

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